"Funky Frames Family
What is it ?

It's you, it's us, it's all those who are united by the same freedom of spirit.

In our family, everyone has their own way of seeing the world, and is prepared to question norms, shake up habits and go down unexplored paths.

There are dreamers, rebels, thinkers and creators who refuse to be defined by labels or the expectations of others. They are not content with the status quo, but seek to see what lies beyond, to step out of their comfort zone and push their own boundaries.

There are those who are guided by their curiosity and still marvel at the little things, and those who want to inspire others, whether through a gesture, words or a painting.

This big family is above all full of love, humour and authenticity, and sees difference as a source of richness and imperfection as a driving force.

Here, everyone is free to be who they are, without judgement, in the certainty that there is always more to discover, more to experience, beyond the limits of a simple framework.


By joining our family...'ll receive our latest news, our latest products, and the stories that make us laugh or inspire us. They don't have to be regular, but they're always good to hear. 

If you're not Funky, you can of course unsubscribe at any time.

We'll also let you know when and where we'll be exhibiting :)

We look forward to meeting you there...

The Funky Frames team

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